
Bento requires Python version 3.8 or 3.9.

Install Bento with pip.

pip install bento-tools

To enable GPU usage, run the following:

pip install bento-tools[torch]


The package and its dependencies are built using Poetry.

  1. Install Poetry.

  2. Clone the bento-tools GitHub repository.

  3. Use poetry to setup the virtual environment.

    cd bento-tools
    poetry shell
    poetry install
  4. You have a couple options on what dependencies to install depending on what you want to modify.

    • For developing Bento, install normal package dependencies:

      poetry install
      # or with gpu enabled
      poetry install --extras "torch"
    • To modify and build documentation, install extra dependencies:

      poetry install --extras "docs"
  5. Launch a local live server to preview doc builds:

    cd docs
    make livehtml # See output for URL